For the second summer in a row I have had my nose to the grindstone pretty much daily looking for jobs. As usual the responses drag...until August. I have had 2 interviews all summer and then out of nowhere 4 pop up this week. Thank you DC schools for being procrastinators (just like me)....
Well, today I went and interviewed at a DC Charter School in Southeast and it was a pretty typical story: low test scores, discipline problems, mostly brand new staff, new principal, etc., etc.
I had a difficult time sleeping last night. I don't know why, but whenever something new happens I always am restless. The HR woman had told me that my interview was for 10 originally, but said she would e-mail a confirmation. I called at 9 to confirm and she was like, "Oh, I said 11"...definitely didn't but oh, well. Slightly unprofessional.
I went to the interview and everything seemed to go pretty well. We had a good rapport and she even went so far as to tell me I was a very strong candidate. YeaH! However, the low point came when she brought up my past employment (damn)....she goes "What do you think Principal "Smith" would say if I called her and asked about you?" My face (which B says tells everything) probably gave away my disgust with that question. For those who were lucky enough to not be with me during my first year of teaching, my first year principal was....horrid. She tormented me, berated me and tried countless times to get me to quit. But I persevered!! How did I answer that question?? I was on the spot...
I told her....that as a first year teacher I probably made some mistakes and did not have the opportunity to develop a positive relationship with my principal. Eek! Don't know if this was the right thing to say or not...but hopefully I will hear a decision either way ASAP.
Thanks for posting. Please keep us informed about your job search. I admire you for your dedication and drive to be a teacher. It is pretty tough out there. Keep the faith.
hope you eventually got a job
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